  • A Diagnosis of Scoliosis

    Scoliosis is typically diagnosed during a physical exam. The physician on the medical staff evaluates your posture, shoulder balance and leg lengths for abnormalities. A forward-bending test helps define your spine’s flexibility and the size of the curve. Other tests for scoliosis may include an X-ray, MRI or a scoliometer. If the curve measures more than 10 degrees, it is considered to be a true scoliotic curve.

  • Non-surgical Treatment of Scoliosis

    We understand that your scoliosis is unique. That’s why we personalize your plan, with a goal to give the most appropriate and least invasive care. We offer a wide range of non-surgical options, including:

    • Watchful waiting
    • Exercise and physical therapy
    • Bracing
    • Anti-inflammatory medications

  • Other Spinal Conditions

    We provide care for spinal deformities and even post-traumatic deformities including:

    • Kyphosis
    • Spondylolisthesis
    • Post-traumatic injuries

    Surgeons on the medical staff are highly experienced in using the range of innovative minimally invasive spine surgeries. Minimally invasive surgeries generally result in smaller scars, a shorter hospital stay and a quicker recovery time.

  • Recovery

    After spinal surgery, we help you quickly return to your life with results-driven rehabilitation. With experienced therapists, advanced facilities and personalized, one-on-one therapy sessions, Texas Health provides support, compassion and treatments to get you moving again. For those who need more intensive care, our therapists create personalized discharge plans that works for each patient.

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No matter your level of pain, a back and spine specialist on the medical staff at Texas Health can put together a customized treatment plan for relief.
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