Valentin Mons, Ph.D.

Contact Information

Valentin Mons, Ph.D.
Post-Doctoral Fellow, Department of Internal Medicine
Institute for Exercise and Environmental Medicine
Texas Health Presbyterian Dallas
7232 Greenville Avenue, Dallas, TX 75231
Office: 214-345-4675

Highlighted Publications
  • Acute neuromuscular, cardiovascular, and muscle oxygenation responses to low-intensity aerobic interval exercises with blood flow restriction.

    Acute neuromuscular, cardiovascular, and muscle oxygenation responses to low-intensity aerobic interval exercises with blood flow restriction.

    Lavigne C, Mons V, Grange M, Blain GM. Acute neuromuscular, cardiovascular, and muscle oxygenation responses to low-intensity aerobic interval exercises with blood flow restriction. Exp Physiol. (2024);109(8):1353-1369

  • Breathing a low-density gas reduces respiratory muscle effort and improves exercise performance in master athletes

    Breathing a low-density gas reduces respiratory muscle effort and improves exercise performance in master athletes

    Haddad T, Mons V, Meste O, Dempsey J.A, Abiss C.R, Brisswalter J, Blain G.M. Breathing a low-density gas reduces respiratory muscle effort and improves exercise performance in master athletes. Eur J Appl Physiol. (2023);124(2):1-2

  • Intercostal muscle oxygenation and expiratory loaded breathing at rest: Respiratory pattern effect

    Intercostal muscle oxygenation and expiratory loaded breathing at rest: Respiratory pattern effect

    Bretonneau Q, de Bisschop C, Mons V, Pichon A. Intercostal muscle oxygenation and expiratory loaded breathing at rest: Respiratory pattern effect. Respiratory Physiol andNeurobiol. (2022);304:103925

  • Physical and physiological profile in youth elite Chilean wrestlers

    Physical and physiological profile in youth elite Chilean wrestlers

    Venegas-Cárdenas D, Caibul-Díaz R, Mons V, Valdés-Badilla P,Pichon A, Cuadra D, Herrera. Physical and physiological profile in youth elite Chilean wrestlers. Arch Budo.(2019);15:249-5

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