Earning the Lifetime Loyalty of Our Customers
Instead of delivering care as issues arise, Texas Health is anticipating and proactively addressing individual consumers' health and well-being as well as that of entire populations. We tailor products and services for nearly every stage of life based on in-depth consumer research, a formal Community Health Needs Assessment and robust data and analytics.
We are working across all channels to remove barriers to care and improve consumer experience by delivering reliable, convenient and personalized care. Read more about these efforts in the Caring for Our Consumers and Caring for Our Communities sections.
  • Our Mission, Vision, Values

    Mission: To improve the health of the people in the communities we serve

    Vision: Partnering with you for a lifetime of health and well-being

    Values: Respect, Integrity, Compassion, and Excellence

  • Our Promise Principles

    To help our employees live our Mission, Vision and Values, we developed Our Texas Health Promise®: Individuals Caring For Individuals, Together®as well as a set of behaviors that our employees commit to putting into action. These include:

    Promise Circle

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