Know Your Options
If you and your surgeon determine that surgery is your best option for a more active lifestyle, you can count on Texas Health to provide quality care at all stages of your surgery.
  • Joint Replacement

    Joint replacement surgery removes parts of your arthritic or damaged joint and replaces these parts with a device designed to replicate the movement of a healthy joint. Today, joint-replacement surgery does not have to cause a major disruption to your life. Texas Health hospitals’ approach to joint replacement surgery is designed to help you heal quickly and comfortably.

  • Minor Incision

    Minor incision procedures feature techniques that limit the size of the incisions used during surgery. This can shorten the length of time that surgical wounds need to heal, as well as decrease any associated pain and risk of infection.

  • Robotics

    Robotic technology allows physicians on our medical staff to more precisely map orthopedic surgeries in advance and use a minimally invasive approach to perform surgeries. Robotic technology is being used at many Texas Health hospitals for a number of orthopedic procedures.

  • Reconstructions and Revisions

    The development of stronger and more durable joint replacement devices has recently greatly diminished the need for revision procedures. Nevertheless, a revision is necessary from time to time, when an initial replacement fails. The physicians on the medical staff of Texas Health hospitals can perform a full range of revision total joint services, including total hip, total knee and total shoulder.

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Make An Appointment
Make your joint health a priority. Schedule an appointment with an orthopedist on the medical staff at a Texas Health hospital. Call 1-866-264-6279.
Don Jarrard
Robotic Technology Knee Replacement Provides ‘Night-and-Day Difference’ for Local Cowboy
When persistent pain in both of his knees became too much to bear, Don Jarrard turned to a surgeon on the medical staff of Texas Health to seek relief.
Man on Laptop
Find a Specialist
Orthopedic pain and trauma require advanced care. Find out how Texas Health can help you. Make an appointment with an orthopedic specialist today.
Your Experience
From joint camp to surgery to inpatient rehabilitation prior to discharge, the joint care programs at Texas Health hospitals take a multidisciplinary approach to care. Several Texas Health hospitals have a dedicated joint care coordinator to assist you throughout your journey. We are committed to shortening your hospital stay, while speeding up your return to an active lifestyle.
  • Joint Coordinators

    Several Texas Health hospitals have joint care coordinators who serve as a link between patients planning joint replacement surgery and their physicians. These coordinators guide patients and their families through the joint replacement process.

  • Joint Camp

    Once you’ve scheduled your joint replacement surgery, we encourage you to attend an informative preoperative class where you will learn what to expect before, during and after surgery. During the class you will receive an in-depth overview of your surgery. You’ll have an opportunity to have your questions answered and meet other joint replacement patients.

  • Rehabilitation

    Texas Health hospitals are dedicated to providing comprehensive therapy to patients recovering from injuries, illness and surgeries or those coping with a lifelong condition. Services meet a wide variety of rehabilitation and orthopedic needs, designed for patients of all ages.

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