Prepared Childbirth
This class provides a comprehensive overview of the labor and birth experience and includes tools that support healthy pregnancies and deliveries. During the class, instructors will provide an overview of the birth process, labor support techniques, medications and birth options.
Prepared Childbirth for Multiples
This class is exclusively for couples expecting twins, triplets or more. It combines prepared childbirth and aspects of breastfeeding to better equip those expecting multiples. This series prepares couples not only for the birth, but also for the exciting challenges that lie ahead for the whole family.
Cesarean Birth
This class reviews the reasons for cesarean birth, emotional and physical support for mothers, and the process and care for mom after a cesarean.
Natural Prepared Childbirth
This interactive class is designed for expectant parents who are interested in an un-medicated birth. In addition to an overview of the labor and birth process, participants are taught how to incorporate breathing techniques, movements, positioning and postures throughout the stages of labor.
Coping Skills for Labor
This unique class is designed for expectant parents who have already attended a Prepared Childbirth class and want to learn more about comfort measures and positioning to help manage labor.
Prenatal Yoga
Prenatal yoga guides expectant mothers through safe supportive movements to help strengthen the body and mind for labor. Experienced instructors teach adapted postures, stretching, breathing and relaxation to help alleviate the discomforts of pregnancy, birth and post-delivery.
This class is available to expecting moms with or without previous fitness or yoga experience. A physician medical release is required to participate in prenatal fitness classes. Download the physician release form.
Baby Care Basics
In this class, parents will practice how to bathe, diaper, swaddle and comfort the baby, as well as learn newborn characteristics, how to recognize the baby’s cues and safe sleep.
This class reviews the benefits of breastfeeding, helpful breastfeeding techniques, a partner’s role, recognizing early feeding cues, latching and positioning, pumping and more.
Baby Safety and CPR
This class will review choosing safe baby gear, how to use the car seat correctly, risk factors for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and baby proofing the house.
Car Seat Safety Appointments
A one-on-one session with a certified child passenger safety technician to learn how to properly install a car seat in a vehicle and best practices for keeping your most precious cargo safe.
Family and Friends Infant CPR
This class teaches infant rescue CPR, relief of the choking infant, injury prevention and treating basic first-aid emergencies.
Dad Basic Training
This class will help to prepare dad by discussing home preparation, dad’s role in daily activities, items to bring to the hospital and caring for your postpartum wife.
Grandparents 101
Babies have not changed but what we know about them has. This class teaches grandparents how to keep their grandchildren safe and how to support the parents.
Sibling Class
Prepare new big brothers and sisters by discussing adjustments to family life, their feelings about the new baby and how they can help with the new baby.
Maternity Orientation and Tour
Maternity orientation tours are available at most Texas Health hospitals.