Texas Health Sports Medicine has specialized research equipment including:
- Biodex Multi-Joint System Pro — The most advanced, versatile and reliable technology ever developed for testing and rehabilitation of the human musculoskeletal system. This machine offers testing and rehabilitation services for the knee, ankle, and hip plus the shoulder, elbow, forearm and wrist. Modes of operation for exercise and testing include isokinetic, passive, isometric, isotonic and reactive eccentric.
- GE Diagnostic Ultrasound Machine — A state of the art diagnostic ultrasound machine offering high frequency sound waves to produce images of structures within the body. These images can provide valuable information for treating various musculoskeletal conditions.
- MicroFET Isometric Handheld Dynamometer — A portable Force Evaluation and Testing (FET) dynamometer, designed specifically for taking objective, reliable, and quantifiable muscle testing measurements.
- LEAP Motion Capture System — This camera system enables comprehensive data collection of joint kinematics and objectively measures overall joint movement patterns by tracking reflective markers during common athletic maneuvers.
Upper Extremity Research
- The Relationship Between Humeral Retrotorsion and Shoulder Range of Motion in Baseball Players With an Ulnar Collateral Ligament Tear
- Baseball Players with an Ulnar Collateral Ligament Tear Display Increased Nondominant Arm Humeral Torsion Compared With Healthy Baseball Players
- Baseball Players with Ulnar Collateral Ligament Tears Demonstrate Decreased Rotator Cuff Strength Compared to Healthy Controls
- Lower Extremity Balance is Improved at Time of Return to Throwing in Baseball Players After an Ulnar Collateral Ligament Reconstruction when Compared to Preoperative Measurements
- Baseball Players Diagnosed With Ulnar Collateral Ligament Tears Demonstrate Decreased Balance Compared to Healthy Controls
- Residents Case Report: Deep Vein Thrombosis In a High School Baseball Pitcher Following Ulnar Collateral Ligament (UCL) Reconstruction
- Shoulder Range of Motion Deficits in Baseball Players With an Ulnar Collateral Ligament Tear
- Between-session changes predict overall perception of improvement but not functional improvement in patients with shoulder impingement syndrome seen for physical therapy: An observational study
- Shoulder Range of Motion Measures as Risk Factors for Shoulder and Elbow Injuries in High School Softball and Baseball Players
- Garrison JC, Hannon J, Conway JE. No Differences in Hip Range of Motion Exist Between Baseball Players with an Ulnar Collateral Ligament Tear and Healthy Baseball Players. Int J Sports Phys Ther. 2019; 14(6): DOI: 10.26603/ijspt201901.
- Whitt S, Garrison JC, Creed K, Giesler L, Conway JE. Baseball Players Diagnosed with UCL Tears Demonstrate Greater Side to Side Differences in Passive Glenohumeral Abduction Range of Motion Compared to Healthy Controls. Int J Sports Phys Ther. 2019; 14(3): DOI: 10.26603/ijspt201901
- Culiver A, Garrison JC, Conway J, Creed K, Goto S, Werner S. Y Balance Test-Lower Quarter Composite Scores are Correlated with Stride Length in NCAA Division I Baseball Pitchers. J Sport Rehab. 2018 Jan 24:1-21. doi: 10.1123/jsr.2017-0111.
Lower Extremity Research
- Energy Absorption Contribution and Strength in Female Athletes at Return to Sport After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction
- Post-Operative Criterion Based Rehabilitation of ACL Repairs: A Clinical Commentary
- The Relationship Between Pre-Operative and Twelve-Week Post-Operative Y-Balance and Quadriceps Strength In Athletes With An Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tear
- A Contact Pressure Analysis Comparing an All-Inside and Inside-Out Surgical Repair Technique for Bucket-Handle Medial Meniscus Tears
- Do Muscle Strength Deficits of the Uninvolved Hip and Knee Exist in Young Athletes Before Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction?
- Y-balance normative data for female collegiate volleyball players
- Y-Balance Test Anterior Reach Symmetry At Three Months Is Related To Single Leg Functional Performance At Time of Return to Sports Following Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction
- Knee Extension Range of Motion at 4 Weeks Is Related to Knee Extension Loss at 12 Weeks After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction
- Evaluation, Treatment, and Rehabilitation Implications of the Infrapatellar Fat Pad
- Effects of Hip Strengthening On Early Outcomes Following Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction
- The Reliability of the Vail Sport Test as a Measure of Physical Performance Following Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction
- Hannon J, Wang-Price S, Garrison JC, Goto S, Bush C, Bothwell J. Normalized Hip and Knee Strength in Two Age Groups of Adolescent Female Soccer Players. J Strength Cond Res. 2019; Dec 20. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000003420
- Garrison JC, Hannon J, Goto S, Kosmopoulos V, Aryal S, Bush C, Bothwell J, Singleton S. Knee loading following ACL-R is related to quadriceps strength and knee extension differences across the continuum of care. Orthop J Sports Med. 2019; https://doi.org/10.1177/2325967119870155
- Hannon J, Wang-Price S, Swank C, Brizzolara K, Garrison JC, Bothwell J, Bush C. The validity and reliability of the Vail Sport Test™ as a measure of performance following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Phys Ther Sport. 2019; 38:162-169.
- Garrison JC, Hannon J, Goto S, Bush C, Bothwell J. Participants at 3 months post-operative anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACL-R) demonstrate differences in lower extremity energy absorption contribution and quadriceps strength compared to healthy controls. The Knee. 2018; 25:782-789. doi: 10.1016/j.knee.2018.06.014
Concussion Research
- A Positive Vestibular/Ocular Motor Screening (VOMS) Is Associated With Increased Recovery Time After Sports-Related Concussion in Youth and Adolescent Athletes
- Sex Differences in Time to Return-to-Play Progression After Sport-Related Concussion
- Oliver JM, Anzalone AJ, Stone JD, Turner SM, Blueitt D, Garrison JC, Askow AT, Joel A. Luedke JA, Jagim AR. Fluctuations in blood biomarkers of head trauma in NCAA football athletes over the course of a season. J Neurosurg. 2019; 130:1655-1662.

Current Research Studies
Texas Health Sports Medicine is a growing leader in clinical research for shoulder, elbow, hip and knee injuries and the management of sports-related concussions.