DARCC (Dallas Area Rape Crisis Center)
DARCC Volunteers are recruited first by DARCC staff and then on-boarded as hospital volunteers. These special men and women serve as support liaisons for rape victims that enter our emergency rooms. The hope of these volunteers is to lessen the trauma of the hospital visit to already seriously affected victims. Please contact your local DARCC organization if you are interested in joining their team.
Pet Therapy
Interaction with a furry friend can have a positive impact that none of us can explain. Pet Therapy volunteers visit with patients, family and staff in order to provide a calming effect, reduce stress and possibly improve the psychological state of those in need. Each Pet Therapy organization we team up with provides strict guidelines for the handlers and pets that create an environment of “no harm” to those they visit. If interested in volunteering as a Pet Therapy handler with your furry friend, please contact a local Pet Therapy organization for certification information.
Project Search Interns
The spirit of volunteerism believes in the abilities of all. Adults living with challenges learn job skills that we hope one day will translate into a paid position. Project Search collaborates with local school district program graduates to develop skills in a job setting over the course of a “school year.” After completing the requirements, these students hope to find jobs within Texas Health and other local organizations. Please contact your local school district or Project Search for more information.