If You Need to Find Childcare, Here Are Your Options

There are 3 main types of childcare for infants and young children:

  • a sitter or relative in your home
  • home-based daycare (a small group in someone else’s home)
  • center-based care

Research suggests that each of these options can be fine for your baby, provided they are of high quality. 

To ensure quality care, look for caregivers who are calm and attentive, and observe if the children in their care seem settled or stressed in the environment. In addition:

  • All childcare settings should be licensed, and those certified by the National Association for the Education of Young Children are preferable.
  • Research confirms that caregivers with education in child development or learning make a difference. Also, it is important that the person who cares for your child shares your values and childrearing attitudes.
  • A good childcare facility should be open for you to visit at any time.
See also ...

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