Resources and Education
Below are some trusted resources to help you research orthopedic health information. Please contact our staff with any questions or concerns you may have.
- American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
- American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons
- American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society
- American Orthopaedic Society of Sports Medicine
- American Society for Surgery of the Hand
- Arthritis Foundation
- Arthroscopy Association of North America
- The Bone and Joint Decade
- National Athletic Trainers’ Association
- Orthopaedic Research Society
Patient Forms
At Orthopedic Surgery Specialists, we understand you want your office visit to run as smoothly as possible. To help facilitate this process, we will be providing our new patient forms online for you to download and complete before your first visit.
Simply click on the links below to download. Print, complete, and bring the forms to your appointment. In order to protect your privacy, please do not e-mail forms.
- New Patient Registration Form: English | Español
- Health History
- Authorization for Release of Patient Information: English | Español
Insurance InformationWe believe in making it easy for our patients to focus on their treatment and regaining good health. Orthopedic Surgery Specialists accepts a wide range of insurance plans and various forms of payment, and will verify benefits prior to your appointment. Please call us at 940-323-3400 if you have any questions.
Patient Testimonials
Stuart Michnick, M.D., Orthopedic Surgeon
Testimonial: Sara Wilson -- Orthopedic Surgery Specialists
Pay a Bill
In order to use the payment portal to pay your bill, please have your statement and billing information readily accessible. For question or payments by phone, call us at 800-890-6034.