Application Procedure
Download and complete the ACPE application found on the ACPE website. The application is available in PDF or DOC form.
When the application is complete, return both of your completed pages to our CPE Department and include:
- Your life essay
- Spiritual growth and development essay
- Description of your work history or resume
- Account of helping incident or verbatim
- Your impression of CPE essay or final evaluations
- Application fee of $25
If applying for residency, please submit a copy of all evaluations (student and supervisor) from previous CPE units.
After initial screening, selected applicants will be invited to interview with supervisors and the center’s interview admission committee.
Applicants will be notified of acceptance or non-acceptance by letter.
Contact the CPE Department
Mail: Department of CPE
612 E. Lamar Blvd, Suite 350
Arlington, TX 76011
Phone: 682-236-7665
Fax: 682-236-7494
Texas Health Resources Department of Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) is accredited by The Association for Clinical Pastoral Education to offer programs of Level I, Level II and Supervisory CPE. It currently has a system accreditation for multiple CPE centers.