Texas Health cares about the health needs of our consumers both in and outside our hospital walls. We actively support our consumers’ healthy living as they engage in busy lives at home, work and play. Faith Community Health teams up with congregations with whom we share the mission of promoting abundant living through wellness in body, mind and spirit.
Faith Community Nursing
Texas Health Faith Community Nursing program works with more than 120 North Texas congregations through a program that assigns a registered nurse to each congregation. The purpose of the nurse is to provide health education, consultation and immunizations to church members.
Mental Health First AidIn unity with Texas Health Foundation, Faith Community Health equips North Texas congregations to provide Mental Health First Aid education to the communities they serve. This programs empowers faith communities to address the crisis of mental illness in our communities, providing earlier identification of symptoms and reliable health care referrals.
Evidence-Based Health Maintenance Programs
In partnership with Community Health Improvement, Faith Community Health facilitates congregations’ access to evidence-based programs to support health and well-being in their membership and community. Some of these programs include:
- A Matter of Balance (equilibrium strengthening)
- Chronic Disease Self-Management
- Journey for Control and Diabetes Self-Management
- PEARLS – Program for Encouraging Active Rewarding Lives for Seniors.