Find a Bariatric Surgeon
Texas Health has a variety of holistic and surgical weight loss options. Make an appointment today.
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Take the Assessment
Considering weight-loss surgery? Take our 5-minute assessment to see if you may be a candidate.

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Services Offered
Knowing that every case is different, Texas Health offers a variety of weight-loss procedures designed to meet your individual needs.
  • Duodenal Switch
    The duodenum, or the first portion of the small intestine, is divided just past the outlet of the stomach. A segment of the distal (last portion) small intestine is then brought up and connected to the outlet of the newly created stomach, so that when the patient eats, the food goes through a newly created tubular stomach pouch and empties directly into the last segment of the small intestine.
  • Gastric Bypass Surgery
    During this procedure, your surgeon creates a small stomach pouch that restricts the amount of food you can eat. The digestive tract is rerouted, which decreases the amount of nutrients, fat and calories your body absorbs.
  • Laparoscopic Adjustable Band
    During this procedure, a band is placed around the stomach to slow the passage of food from the upper to lower stomach. This procedure allows for the adjustment of the band to meet your needs.
  • Revisional Procedures
    Surgeons on the medical staff work with patients whose previous weight-loss surgeries did not achieve their desired outcomes, for whatever reason. No matter where your initial procedure was done, a physician on the medical staff of a Texas Health Hospital can discuss your options for a revisional procedure that may meet your needs.
  • Sleeve Gastrectomy
    During this procedure 60 to 80 percent of the stomach is removed, creating a sleeve or tube-like structure. As a result, this restricts the amounts of food you can eat.

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Texas Health offers weight loss surgery at a number of our facilities. To learn more about them or to request a consultation, select a location.

Couple in Kitchen
Am I a Candidate?
Learn about the criteria for surgery, including BMI, to see if you are an ideal surgical candidate!
Woman buttoning jeans
Considering Weight Loss Surgery?
Sometimes, in spite of every effort, you may not be able to achieve long-term weight loss on your own.
Couple walking with dumbells
Potential Benefits of Surgery
While bariatric surgery may seem like a cosmetic endeavor, weight-loss surgery goes far beyond the physical.
Support on Your  Journey
Undergoing weight-loss surgery is an important, life-changing decision. That’s why we offer a number of programs to help.
Healthcare Workers
Why Choose Texas Health? 
Each of our weight-loss programs have received one of the highest distinctions for weight-loss programs in the United States.
Texas Health
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