Dear Prospective Applicant:
Thank you for your interest in the Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas Internal Medicine Residency program, which is a part of Texas Health Resources Graduate Medical Education.
Texas Health Dallas has been at the forefront of health care in North Texas since 1966. At Texas Health Dallas, we continue to provide quality patient care in such areas as heart health, neurosurgery, oncology and women's health/infant care. Designated as a Level I Trauma Center and Comprehensive Stroke Center, the hospital's experienced team of physicians on the medical staff provides advanced emergency care in a timely manner.
The Department of Internal Medicine at Texas Health Dallas established its residency program in the late 1970s. Over the last few decades we have enjoyed teaching residents and medical students alike. The Department of Internal Medicine has more than 100 full-time and part-time faculty members. There is an excellent rapport and mutual understanding between our house staff and faculty members. The faculty serve as teaching and admitting attendings, and play a vital role in resident education and growth. Many of our faculty members who serve as teaching attendings are subspecialists and provide a unique perspective to the learning process.
After graduation, some of our graduates who have chosen to practice hospital medicine within our doors have played a critical role in enriching our teaching program. We have been able to develop a diverse curriculum with help from our faculty members and house staff. Our broad-spectrum curriculum allows our residents to obtain fundamental knowledge to pursue either a subspecialty track, a primary track or a hospitalist track.
The curriculum was developed with the idea of providing exposure to Neurology, Dermatology and Emergency Medicine, as education in these specialties is vital to Internal Medicine residency education. Over the years our residents have had great success in obtaining fellowship positions in Cardiology, Gastroenterology, Hematology-Oncology, Nephrology, Endocrinology and other subspecialties.
The Department of Internal Medicine provides all internal medicine residents exposure to research as well. Our residents have published case reports in peer reviewed journals and some have had an opportunity to write book chapters. We encourage our residents to participate and present a poster and/or case presentation whenever possible. Many of our residents have gone on to win awards for their posters and presentations at local ACP chapter meetings.
I thank you again for your interest in our program and would encourage you to apply through the NRMP match process. I hope that you will be able to visit our beautiful facility once selected for an interview. We look forward to hearing from you.
Tapan Patel, M.D., FACP, FASN, FNKF
Program Director, Internal Medicine Residency Program, Chief of Nephrology
Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas
The curriculum for the Internal Medicine Residency Program at Texas Health Dallas provides residents with comprehensive exposure to all aspects of internal medicine.