Your Labor and Delivery
You may already know how you want your baby’s birth to happen. We work with you to achieve the birth you want, while keeping you comfortable and secure. We support family involvement in your birth, as part of our family-centered care philosophy. We know that babies thrive when their family is engaged in the birth.
Arriving for Labor and Delivery
Items to Bring with You to Labor and Delivery
Your Labor and Delivery Room
Visitors During Labor and Delivery
Pain Management and Labor Support Tools
Scheduled Cesareans and Inductions
After Delivery: What to Expect

View Photos
View photos of the maternity care areas at Texas Health Dallas Margot Perot Center.

Perot Premium Suites
Texas Health Dallas has luxurious suites available that provide a comfortable, hotel-like experience.
During Your Hospital Stay
After the birth of your baby, the Margot Perot Center provides a comfortable and peaceful atmosphere that encourages bonding in new families.
Your Hospital Room
Mom’s Recovery: What to Expect
Baby’s Hospital Stay: What to Expect
Dining Options
Birth Certificate and Social Security
Breastfeeding Support and Breast Pump Rentals
Discharge Day: What to Expect

Expecting a NICU Stay?
If your infant needs additional care after the birth, Texas Health Dallas has a Level III NICU that offers experienced, compassionate newborn care.
High-Risk Pregnancy Support
The High-Risk Pregnancy Care unit (Antepartum) provides quality care for women at 16 weeks gestation or more who have an increased risk of complication during pregnancy.
High-Risk Pregnancy Care
Your Room
Amenities During Your Stay
Support for New Moms
Breastfeeding Support
Find resources and support Texas Health has available to help you meet your breastfeeding goals.

Mommy Mixers & Postpartum Fitness Classes
Find encouragement and support at a mommy mixer or postpartum fitness class.

Texas Health Moms Facebook Group
Connect with other moms who have delivered at Texas Health hospitals.